Wednesday, January 6, 2010

taken for granted

they seem to think i'm okay
with the role i play at home
stay and provide for our mother
with no support at all
how can i work
and leave behind
an old woman who can barely see?
banging cymbals probably crack first
before she hears the clamor
isn't it a worry to leave her alone
and if something happens
the blame will be on me
it would be less a pain
if my mother knows what i'm through
but she seems to think it's okay
that i'm alone in this too
don't they ever think
that i want to live my life
that there are things i'd love to do
but i've shelved them all for this
when will they take the time
to look out for our mother?
will it only be me
till the very last?
i know they'll come for the final hour
but the expenses will still be on me
taking for granted again
that i'll be there to pay
what if i have nothing more
what will happen then?
will they take away my last penny
thinking i still have more?
if my time to grow old comes
will someone care for me?
or will they think i'm still strong
i can take care of myself
i won't leave everything to chance
i'll pray when the time comes
money will be easy
to pay someone to stay with me
it's not good to be taken for granted always
No, i won't let it be...

Mariter - 1/7/10

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